Input file format and structure: The input file that the user uploads needs to be in .csv file format. It needs to have "Source" and "Target" as column headings and protein names as column values as shown in Figure 1. We are showing an example using SY5Y-APP aggregate interactome data. Any type of file from any source containing "Source" and "Target" showing protein-protein interactions can be used. The algorithm conducts Leave-One-Vertex-Out (LOVO) and Leave-One-Edge-Out (LOEO) and produces the following images to shows characteristics of different graph modeling parameters in the particular data for both LOVO and LOEO. Final results file (one each for LOVO and LOEO) in .csv is written that shows the list of influential proteins and protein-protein interactions. Top 10 influential proteins and influential protein-protein interactions are plotted after LOVO and LOEO. All results are sent to the user's registered email.